This roasted zucchini recipe with squash is one of our favorite sides. This recipe is healthy and easy to make. Tastes good hot or cold and reheats well...
Easy, delicious and healthy Broccoli, Red Pepper and Onion Stir-Fry recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Broccoli, Red Pepper and Onion...
A family favorite - passed down from my great-great grandma. Could definitely be slimmed down, but I'm entering it in the old-fashioned way just so I know...
This recipe is part of "The SparkPeople Cookbook." Order your copy today! This salad is even better the longer it sits in the fridge, so we love to make...
These carrot muffins are made with applesauce instead of oil to help retain their moisture while lowering the fat content. Studded with pineapple and raisins,...
I love this recipe! It can be used as a sauce for grilled meats, a dressing for salads or steamed vegetables, or as a marinade for tofu or other lean proteins....
This is one of the few vegetable dishes that my young grandson loves, but without the onions. He said it was like the Rahmspinat he ate when he lived in...
Quick, easy & tasty breakfast perfect for making in an Instant Pot or similar electric pressure cooker.I do NOT recommend making oats in stove top cookers....
So, hubby is doing the P90X workout, and the family is trying some of the recipes in the nutrition plan. This soup is AWESOME, and I can eat as much as...
One of my favorite restaurants, Houlihan's, served these California Mashers in place of mashed potatoes, a favorite comfort food, Who knew cauliflower...
Easy, delicious and healthy Mushroom, Ham and Cheese Egg-White Omelet recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Mushroom, Ham and Cheese...
This is moist and hearty hotcake loaded with pumpkin flavor brought out by traditional holiday spices. You can freeze leftover pancakes in an an airtight...
Easy, delicious and healthy Blueberry Pomegranate Vinaigrette Dressing recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Blueberry Pomegranate Vinaigrette...
This is my favorite way to use up leftover spaghetti. In fact, I usually make extra just so I can make a pancake! It makes a quick and portable breakfast....
I have to watch the carbs, this is diabetic friendly, gives me additional vegetables and low in fat. The bonus is the shrimp and lowfat milk for proteins....
Standard Bisquick biscuits made with 2 % milk, for lower cal/fat version you can do as Myjourneytolose did and use water instead of milk,